E-commerce stores need emails connected to their shopping experience. Below are examples of flows I created for the Revival Ink retail website. Each flow consists of 3-5 emails to engage a customer. Whether that customer has left the website in the middle of browsing, or hasn't visited visited in awhile and needs a reason to shop again, these emails will bring them back. I increased the monthly sales of the Revival Ink website by 35% in the first month of implementing this email strategy.

• Planning a series of emails to engage a customer and mapping out their flow 
• Designing email content with photos, graphics and animated gifs
• Writing email copy that takes a customer on a journey, telling a cohesive story
• Creating and scheduling email flows in Klaviyo, Omnisend, and Mailchimp
• Connecting email flow triggers to key actions on the website
Example of a Welcome Email Series
   Welcome Flow                      Abandoned Cart Flow
Email Flows I Create For E-commerce Websites

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